Scareware blocker

Scareware blocker in Microsoft Edge is here to protect you from scareware attacks—full-screen pop-ups with alarming warnings claiming your computer has been compromised. These attacks try to frighten users into calling fraudulent support numbers or downloading harmful software. Start protecting yourself with machine learning, which automatically identifies and stops these attacks, by enabling scareware blocker in your browser.


Scareware blocker

Scareware blocker in Microsoft Edge is here to protect you from scareware attacks—full-screen pop-ups with alarming warnings claiming your computer has been compromised. These attacks try to frighten users into calling fraudulent support numbers or downloading harmful software. Start protecting yourself with machine learning, which automatically identifies and stops these attacks, by enabling scareware blocker in your browser.

An image of Scareware blocker blocking a website in Microsoft Edge

Tips and Tricks

Frequently asked questions
  • * Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version.